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Video-Supported Education Alliance

Inspiration workshop in Finland “Developing video pedagogy”

On 17 November 2020 at 9:00 – 12:00 ViSuAL project partners will have a webinar about pedagogical solutions for collaborative learning that utilize video based on the researched done in cooperation with companies as part of the ViSuAL project. More information about this bilingual event (Finnish and English) can be found here:

ViSuAL project in the EAPRIL online event on 25 October 2020

On 25 November 2020 at 13:00 – 15:00 CET there is an EAPRIL online event on “Teaching in (Higher) Education in the COVID-19 era” and the ViSuAL project presents its outcomes in session 6 “”Insights and yield from ViSuAL (The Video Supported Collaborative Learning project): Inspiration for teaching in Covid-19 era”. More information on EAPRIL …