Month: June 2020

Video-Supported Education Alliance

ViSuAL 2nd cycle experiment № 10 Tartu and IRIS Connect

In the University of Tartu (Estonia), during the 2020 spring semester, teacher education students used IRIS Connect video platform ( to video-record their lessons for self- and peer-analysis. In this video the experimenter Liina explains what the students thought about this:

ViSuAL 2nd cycle experiment JAMK choir conducting (Rita) and IRIS Connect

In this video ViSuAL experimenter Rita Varonen, senior lecturer of choir conducting from JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland) talks about using IRIS Connect ( for video-recording and learning:

ViSuAL 2nd cycle experiment № 8 AERES and IRIS Connect

In the Higher Education Institute Aeres Wageningen (the Netherlands), Narda´s vocational education (VET) students used IRIS Connect video technology to give each other peer feedback on their coaching role in vocational schools. Watch this video to learn how their experiment went:

ViSuAL 2nd cycle experiment № 2 JAMK and IRIS Connect

Tiina Takkinen from JAMK University of Applied Sciences took part in an experiment where music teachers video-recorded their kantele (Finnish national string instrument) teaching lessons. This video gives an overview what was done and what were the results.

ViSuAL 2nd cycle experiment JAMK choir conducting (students) and IRIS Connect

Choir maestro Rita Varonen and her choir conducting students in JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland) used IRIS Connect for Video Supported Collaborative Learning (VSCL). Watch the video below to find out what the students liked about using videos.

ViSuAL 2nd cycle experiment № 3 JAMK and Flowbox

Anita and Elina from JAMK University of Applied Sciences have finished their ViSuAL project experimentation with Y and Z generation managers in Tourism and Hospitality sector. In this video they share the key findings from this experience:

News from SFIVET

COVID-19 impact on SFIVET’s operations The International Association of Universities (IAU) states that more than 1.5 billion students worldwide are affected by school and university closures due to COVID-19. In this alarming scenario, SFIVET developed short- (such as access to online classes) and long-term solutions (increased blended learning opportunities) to help ensure access to the …