Month: January 2020

Video-Supported Education Alliance

Introducing ViSuAL project to teachers from Russia and Serbia

On 30 January Marije and Frank presented to a group of teachers from Russia and Serbia the Knowledge Forum and how IRIS Connect is used in teacher education in Aeres Hogeschool Wageningen.

ViSuAL 1st cycle experiment № 14 AERES and EdVisto (class 4)

ViSuAL experimenter Narda from the Netherlands used EdVisto with her teacher education students. This video Narda and one of her students explain what they did.

Meeting with Bloco Gráfico

On the 27th of January the ViSuAL Project Portuguese team had a meeting with Bloco Gráfico to summarize the work that has been done and to plan ahead the tasks they have in hands until the end of the Project. Among other things this meeting had the focus on the collaboration process, the experiment that …

ViSuAL 1st cycle experiment № 15 – Tartu and IRIS Connect GoLive

ViSuAL experimenters from the University of Tartu used IRIS Connect GoLive in-ear coaching with Speech Therapy students. Here is a video explaining how the experiment went.

Opening seminar in Tartu University for experiment with Flowbox

On 22 January 2020 ViSuAL experimenter Liina and her students from the “Observation and Pedagogical Practice” course had an opening seminar. Liina introduced the Flowboard Online Video Platform where daily video diary posts will be uploaded. This time 19 students will reflect on their experience and activities every evening during their very first school practice …

Flowbox training session to prepare for the second experiment in Tartu University

On 22 January 2020 an online training session took place between Flowboard/Flowbox and the University of Tartu experimentation team. The aim was to prepare for the second cycle of experiments that Liina conducts with her teacher-students during their very first school practice. Jani from Flowbox helped to make sure all the necessary password-protected folders are …

ViSuAL presentation at a joint seminar of Tallinn and Tartu Universities

On 21 January 2020 a joint seminar took place for two Institutes of Educational Sciences in Estonia – Tallinn University and the University of Tartu. ViSuAL project experimenter Liina gave a presentation about her experiences and results of the two experiments she conducted last year. In one experiment Flowbox was used and in the other one IRIS …

First steps to create the ViSuAL Teacher’s Manual

First steps to create the ViSuAL Project Teacher’s Manual were taken at JAMK (Finland). Teachers’ Manual on pedagogical models for video-supported collaborative learning will be created based on the data gathered from experimentations and design research process. The Manual will consist of storyboards based on the pedagogical models and experimentations together with research evidence. Teacher’s …

ViSuAL 1st cycle experiment № 5 – JAMK and EdVisto

ViSuAL experimenter Elina from Finland used EdVisto with her business students. In this video she introduces her experiment.

Experiment about coaching skills

Researchers from Aeres University of Applied Sciences Wageningen use IRIS Connect and start their experimentation in February. Training teachers start to give each other feedback on the basis of their films of conversations with their students in their own classroom.