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Video-Supported Education Alliance

Presentation of the ViSuAL project to students from teacher Geca and Conceição class (AEMFP)

We’ve finally told the students what they are going to work with in the ViSuAL project. Although they’ve already heard a little about the project they still didn’t have any clue about the actual activities we’ve been preparing for them. In this visit to Sr.ª da Glória School we took one activity prepared so the …

Project presentation to teacher Alexandrina’s students (AEMFP)

It was time to introduce the students to the ViSuAL project and tell them what their teacher has been working on with us, what she’s been preparing for them and when we are going to start the activities. They loved the activity we built and proposed them. It was funny and challenging, made them think …

Workshop with teachers from AEMFP

Today we had a workshop for all the teachers involved with the experimentations in AEMFP in Évora. They came to the university facilities and we worked on the key concepts of the ViSuAL project and defined the next steps to take on the experimentations.

ViSuAL Project @ Challenges 2019

ViSuAL research team will present a paper @ Challenges 2019 Congress to be held in Braga, Portugal, 13 to 15 May 2019. “Models for facilitation of teacher’s professional development through video-supported collaborative learning”.

Project presentation and first approach to EdVisto

Today researchers from the Portuguese team went to Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira to work with teacher Manuel’s students. This was only the first approach to EdVisto but it was warmly welcomed by all the students. The session took around one hour in which the students learned how to log in and some of the basic …

Last questionnaires application at AEMFP (Évora, Portugal)

Today we visited two schools from Agrupamento de Escolas Manuel Ferreira Patrício in Évora (Portugal) to apply the last questionnaires to the students of teacher Alexandrina and teacher Conceição. Their students were very kind and told us they want to start using video as soon as possible.

Questionnaires application in ESGP (Évora, Portugal) with teacher Manuel’s students

Today we went to Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira (ESGP) in Évora to collect the students’s data using the ViSuAL questionnaire. The students filled all the questionnaires with our help and we managed to collect all the data we need from teacher’s Manuel classroom students. Next week we are going to collect data from teacher’s Ilda …